Gratitude is just the beginning of the firmest foundation for stability in my life.

"I saw all people, places, and things through the eyes of hate. I didn’t realize it but it distorted all of my perceptions. " - Lynn Eldridge
I used to be addicted to the emotions of self-hate. Other hate. Anger. Striving. Arguing.
I hated God, too. I saw all people, places, and things through the eyes of hate. I didn’t realize it but it distorted all of my perceptions.
It was a bad habit that turned into an addiction.
I just needed more of it in order to distract myself from the pain that I was feeling. Hate was actually miracle grow for more problems in my life.
Today I've replaced that old habit with a new habit of gratitude.
The thoughts of being grateful. The habit of being grateful. The words, the attitudes, and the expectations, and the behavior of being grateful.
Now I’m grateful to be alive, I’m grateful for you and I’m grateful for what God has done in my life.
I'm not waiting for the other shoe to drop today.
Now I know I am followed by goodness and mercy all the days of my life.
Colossians 3:2, in the Amplified, says:
"And set your mind and keep them set on what is above."
I set my mind to be grateful. I set my thoughts, my attitudes, my words, and my expectations to be grateful.
I get to correct the thoughts or the attitudes that do not reflect gratitude.
Gratitude is just the beginning of the firmest foundation for stability in my life.
Gratitude is MiracleGro for the good things in my life.